Senn Alumni. Welcome!

As you have built up friendships throughout your years at Senn, you’ll look back and remember all the good times.
As Senn alums, we are and shall remain Senn Friends Forever. 

To the younger alumni, you represent the future of the Senn Alumni, and in time you will represent the past, like us! 
As we grow, we’ve made Senn Friends Forever with you, and you’ll make Senn Friends Forever with future Senn alums to come. 

#SennHighSchool #SennArts

Get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Do you have a Reunion you need announced?

Do you know of an Alumnus or Faculty member that is deceased? If so, please enter their (Name, and Class Year or their Faculty position  and Department. To be shown In Memoriam.

Did you serve in the U.S. Military? See our Bulldog Wall of Honor to be featured with other Senn Veterans! Send us your Name, Rank and Class year with your Military service picture.




Contact Us and Register Here

Read the above message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
May the Spirit of the Bulldog remain with you each and every day, for we are #Senn and shall remain Senn Friends Forever.
Thank you, and have a great day!