We have dedicated this page to the many classmates who have served our great nation,
Dedicated to those who have also paid the ultimate sacrifice,
Dedicated to those that went and took the call of duty,
Dedicated to the Brave,
Dedicated to the Senn Bulldogs in the U.S. Military.
Thank you!
*If you would like to add a name of a Sennite that has served and/or add a picture... please
email: [email protected]
The pictures and Senn veterans listed below are in no particular order of class year or military branch,
but all equal in Dedication to our Country and Freedom around the World.
Specialist E-4
Robert Childers
U.S. Army
Class of 1983
Fred Olin
US Army Veterinary Corps
Class of 1955
First Sargeant
Michael Doherty
U.S. Army
Class of 1974
Colonel Andrew A. Hall US Army - Class of 1928
1st Sergeant Garry Jay Swedlund US Army Class of 1971
Sergeant First Class
Derahn Thornton
Class of 1993
US Army
Ivan Vazquez
Class of 2001
US Army
David Jackson
Class of 1982
U.S. Navy
1st Lieutenant
John Childers
Class of 1948
US Air Force
6 year Air Force career flying the top Air Force jet fighters, the F-86 for 32 air to air combat missions in Korea, and the test pilot and Flight commander in the 450th Fighter Wing flying the F-100 Super Sabre.
Husband & Wife Veterans
Arthur Mims III
Class of 2002
U.S. Air Force
Gunner’s Mate
Gabriela J Mims (García)
Class of 2004
U.S. Navy
Master Sergeant
Pamela S Davis LaFond
Class of 1971
US Air Force
Technical Sergeant E-6
Bert Davis
Class of 1973
U.S. Air Force
Dawn Thompson Knese Thelen
Class of 1994
US Navy
Matthew Thompson
Class of 1995
US Navy
Joseph Thompson
Class of 1998
US Navy
Major Dr. Earl N. Roden
Class of 1968
US Army
ISCS John Joseph
Class of 1968
Lance Corporal Robert Fontaine
Class of 1968
US Marines
E4 Petty Officer David Earl Williams III
Class of 2002
US Navy
E5 Sgt. De La Cruz
Class of 2000
US Army National Guard
Jose L. Salinas
Specialist E4 Marvin Jackson
Class 1988
U.S. Army Reserves
SGT. Julio C Andrade
Class of 1978
US Marines
Alec Lifschultz Jr
US Marines
Master Sergeant Manny Rosales
Class of 1980
U.S. Army
Sgt. Elizabeth (Horn) Carver
Class of 1986
Kevin Nii Lantei Balotelli Boatwains
US Navy
3rd Class Petty Officer
Levi Bacerra
Class of 1996
US Navy
Class of 2000
US Army
Sgt. Victor J. Cornejo
Class of 1997
US Marines
SSG Thomas W. Barnette Sr.
Class of 1988
US Army
Colonel Sandy Adams
Class of 1980
US Air Force
2nd. LT.
(Twin Brother's)
Courtney & Earl Shanken
Class of 1938
US Air Force
Paul Murray
Class of 1942
US Marines
Chief Master Sergeant
Robert Carlson
Class of 1955
US Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel
Terry Douglas
Class of 1983
US Army
*as seen with former Mayor Ralm Emanuel
Sergeant Scott Doleman
Class of 1976
Staff Sergeant Gary Schock
Class of 1980
US Air Force
Sergeant Tyrone Singleton
Class of 1984
US Marines
Will Singleton
Class of 1988
U.S. Marines
Nannette Hall
Class of 1982
US Air Force
Sergeant Michael Sinclair
Class of 1979
US Army
Samuel Vargas
Class of 1978
US Army
David Schlange
Class of 1967
Master Sergeant
Sammy David Picazo
Class of 1985
US Marines
Sergeant Terry Kaufman
Class of 1969
US Army
Sergeant Angel Aviles
Class of 2001
US Marines
Corporal Keith Shipp Jr.
Class of 1997
US Marines
Captain Ray L. Vardon
Class of 1967
US Air Force
Thomas Brown
Class of 1991
US Marines
Bob Kell
Class of 1971
US Navy
Yeomen Luz Maria Muñoz
*(freshman class of 1975).
Marvin Robert Blum
Class of 1961
U.S. Air Force
Vincent Paul Streff
Class of 1949
U.S. Air Force
Sergeant First Class
Garry Swedlund
Class of 1971
US Army
Lorenzo Wells Jr.
Class of 1984
U.S. Army
Lance Corporal Joseph E. Portnoy
class of 1967
Sergeant Tyree Shannon
Class of 1997
Sergeant Maurice Lee McWilliams
Class of 1995
Scott Fields
Class of 1984
US Air Force
Brian Birk
Class of 1984
US Army
Captain Darren Glover
Class of 1983
US Army
Specialist Tracy Schock
Class of 1981
US Army
Felisa Parquet
Class of 1981
US Navy
Jonathan Shukes
Class of 1980
US Army
Robbie Lusk
Class of 1979
U.S. Army
Sergeant Darius Prewitt
Class of 1979
Specialist Lance D Tanner
Class of 1979
US Army
Roy Stamps
Class of 1979
US Army
Barney Lewis
Class of 1978
US Marines
Jerry Beals
Class of 1976
US Army
John Robert Saunders
Class of 1976
US Air Force, Air Guard, US Coast Guard
Corporal Vincente Huayamave Castro
Class of 1975
US Marines
Staff Sergeant Larry Bledsoe
Class of 1972
US Army
Seaman Apprentice E2
Joe Little
Class of 1971
Carl Williams
Class of 1969
US Marines
Specialist Terry Friedlander
Class of 1969
US Army
Gene Ziemba
Class of 1968
US Army
Senior Chief Ed Halikman
Class of 1968
US Navy
Jim Cartwright
Class of 1966
US Navy
James Massey
Class of 1966
US Air Force
David Bingham
Class of 1966
US Air Force
Frank Kober
Class of 1966
US Army
Alice Frapolli
Class of 1966
US Army & US Army Reserves
Butch Espy
Class of 1965
US Army
James DesRochers
Class of 1965
US Air Force
Barry Rappoport
Class of 1963
US Army
Fred J Archer
Class of 1961
US Navy
George Coneset
Class of 1961
David Garfield
Class of 1956
US Navy
Sergeant George Johannes
Class of 1950
John Butterfield
Class of 1952
US Navy
Robert L Williams
Class of 1949
US Navy
Sid Fischburg
Class of 1947
US Army
Marty Daneman
Class of 1943
US Army
Ralph Waters
Class of 1942
US Army
Lieutenant Charles Berman
Class of 1940
US Navy
Bert Kay
Class of 1939
US Army
Marilyn Boyd
Class of 1938
US Navy
Whitney M Bray
Class of 1938
US Army
Harry Lee Boyd Jr.
Class of 1936
US Marines
Clayton Moore (born Jack Carlton Moore)
Class of 1932
US Army Air Forces