Behind every mask is a hero. You may have heard that a crisis doesn’t make or break you, it reveals you.
Whether on the frontlines fighting the corona virus pandemic or not, these heroes have been here serving their communities and their fellow citizens for years.
While so many Americans are staying safe at home, these vital workers are continuing to show up, serving on the frontlines of this health crisis. They are the doctors and nurses who treat their patients. They are our first responders and EMS partners who respond to every kind of emergency. They are the pharmacists who diligently fill ongoing requests. They are the environmental service crews who never stop sanitizing after each and every patient. And they are the grocery workers and cashiers on the frontlines exposing themselves to you so that your needs are met.
Who are those masked men or women?
They’re all originally Senn Bulldogs!
Meet a few of our Nicholas Senn High School Alumni Heroes.
Hi, I’m Claudia Hicks BSN, RN of the Senn Class of 1976
and I’m Dr. Clement Rose MD of the Senn Class of 1974.
We are both working here at Weiss Memorial Hospital
and we are SENN BULLDOGS!
We are both on the Covid19 Task Force for Weiss. Implementing and teaching staff the CDC guidelines. We are taking care of the Uptown community during Covid19 crisis.
Dr. Clement Rose is one of a team of doctors leading the care during the pandemic. Nurse Claudia Hicks is heading up the labor pool and assisting in employee health. She will make sure employees with symptoms get a test and then quarantine accounts and she follows up with them during quarantine according to the CDC guidelines.
Hi I’m Victoria J. Hickey of the Senn Class of 1982
and I am a Prenatal (labor) nurse.
Sadly some of my pregnant patients do have Covid19.
I work on high risk pregnancy cases due to my ICU experience.
I am and always will be, a SENN BULLDOG!
Hello, I’m Paticce Jones from the Senn Class of 2003 and I work in Med Surgery part time and I work fulltime in Hospice Home Care as a RN Case Manager.
I oversee Patient's cases to ensure they have all their needs met at the end of life stages as well as provide maximum comfort for patients as they transition.
I supervise Social Workers, Chaplains, and Home Health aides that provide care to my assigned patients and patient's family members because nursing is a holistic care process.
I provide direct healthcare with each of my patients as well.
I started my nurturing way back as a SENN BULLDOG!
Hey, everyone, I’m Denise Dye BSN, RN of the Senn Class of 1981. 
I’m currently working for BCBS of Arizona as a nurse case manager. I previously worked as a floor nurse in Telemetry, but before all my nursing skills...
I started as a Senn Twirler for the Mighty Bulldogs!
Hi, I’m Ntsis Xiong of the Senn Class of 2005.
I'm a MRI Technologist here in the Chicago area.
Here I am in the MRI Scan room waiting for my next patient.
Hi, I’m Kaffita Morales and I graduated from Senn back in the class of 1988.
I have been a nurse for 27 years. I currently work at Logan Square Clinic.
I am originally an ER nurse at heart...
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic I was asked to work somewhere else
to help our overwhelmed nurses and of course I picked Emergency Department!
I have been working at Both Stroger and Provident ED!
And I still tell everyone... I’m a SENN BULLDOG!
Hello, I’m Neva Squires-Rodriguez of the Senn class of 1996 and...
I’m a Mighty Mighty SENN BULLDOG! 
I am a 911 dispatcher for the Lake County Sheriff's Office in Illinois. I can tell you without hesitation, that I love my job. I am responsible for not only getting 911 callers the help they need, but am also responsible for keeping our Sheriff's deputies safe and making sure they return home to their families each night. 911 dispatchers are more than co-workers, we are a family. Our calls can go from simple, to extremely stressful in a matter of seconds. The things that we hear are often not things that we share with our own families, so we often discuss them with each other as a type of coping mechanism. We often work long hours, holidays and weekends, sacrificing time with our families to help take care of yours.
During our current coronavirus pandemic, 911 dispatchers are still at work each day, doing what we do best. Many of us are working with masks, taking our temperatures at the beginning and end of each shift and wiping down our workstations with whatever cleaning supplies we can find. These are things most of us never thought we'd have to do in the workplace, but we're doing it to make sure that we are there to answer your call.
Stay healthy my friends!
*Just a pointer, if you ever have to call 911, the most important thing that you can give us is your location. While our mapping systems are great, sometimes the location it gives us is off, so not knowing your location can delay us in getting the help you need.
Hi all,
I’m Cathi (Gore) Doornbos from the Senn class of 1970.
Though I’m currently retired from hospital work
I do still go on international mission trips as a nurse.
In the hospital I worked in ICU, both medical and surgical.
Even away working abroad I remember always being a SENN BULLDOG!
Hello, I’m Victoria Perez of the Senn class of 1997.
I’m a RN and I work at a skilled facility nursing home in the COVID19 units.
*Just to find out today I am positive with the coronavirus.
I didn’t work many hours at the time, however I’m still planning to go back to the same units as soon as I get better because I’m a nurse and that’s what I do to take care of others.
I learned to never give up!
*UPDATE (5/29/20) -
Victoria is feeling much better and has returned to her nursing job that she loves helping people.
Thank you, Victoria!
Hi, it’s Robin Emanuel Guttler, class of 1978.
I’ve been a nurse for 38 years.
The last 26 of which I’ve spent in the Los Angeles area.
For the last 19 years I’ve worked as a rehabilitation nurse and
I wound care specialist at the Greater Los Angeles VA, caring for our Nation’s Veterans.
You probably won’t see me without a mask for a while!
Hello, my name is Crystal Parker and I'm a Bulldog graduate of
Nicholas Senn High School
from the "Class of 2003".
I started off working as a Telemetry nurse for Advocate Hospital.
As a Telemetry nurse I monitored patient's vital signs with life measuring devices;
while treating other diseases such as cardiac failure, stroke and other heart conditions.
Currently I work as a Nurse Case Manager-Specialist assisting high risk patients with transition of care from the hospital to their primary medical provider on the Southside of Chicago.
Visiting patients in the hospital, providing education on their disease while having them take leadership in their role in managing their health. I collaborate with multiple hospitals throughout Chicago such as University of Chicago, Ingalls, Christ, Rush and UIC hospitals.
Alumnus Shaunese Teamer of the Class of 1983 has recently produced a virtual documentary which has been dedicated to Doctors, Nurses and First Responders.
"Dedicated to doctors, nurses and first responders, this virtual documentary produced on ZOOM, takes pause to give voice to our youth, addressing their thoughts, questions and concerns as to how COVID-19 has or will change their summer, their education and their lives leaving memories of a period of time that will not soon be forgotten.