We have 110 years worth of history shown below! 

History at Senn, Chicago & around the World will be displayed.

*Click on your yearbook below and that year's pictures shall pop up.

**Please NOTE, not all pictures from each yearbook has been added to each yearbook online. 

*** We DO NOT have yearbooks 2016-2023 yet. The current Senn Yearbook staff has been uncooperative in handing the pictures over.

We deeply apologize for this inconvenience.


Nicholas Senn High School officially opens with enrollment of 710 and faculty of 22. Senn’s 1st Forum Editor - Sylvester Hoffman. Green and white selected as school colors. Benjamin F. Buck is Senn’s 1st Principal28th President Woodrow Wilson sworn into office.  1st minimum wage law in US takes effect (Oregon).

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Senn's first commencement class of 14 graduates. First reference to Senn students as SennitesArchduke Ferdinand shot to death, sparking the outbreak for WWI to begin.

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The first Senn Alumni Association organized.  Poison Gas (chlorine) was used for the first time. President Woodrow Wilson throws out the first pitch at the 1915 World Series.

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The 1916 Olympic Games were scheduled to be held in Berlin but were cancelled due to World War I

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President Woodrow Wilson asks the U.S. Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. The Selective Service Act passes the U.S. Congress.

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Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution giving women the right to vote.

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The 1920 Antwerp Summer & Winter Olympic Games – the Olympic flag with the five rings signifying the universality of the Olympic Games was raised for the first time.

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Senn HS hoping to get a new athletic field.  29th President Warren G. Harding sworn into office.  Ireland -- Irish Free State created. The Oklahoma Tulsa Race Riot erupted.


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USA - Lincoln Memorial Dedicated.  USA - Reader's Digest Created.  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is created USSR.  The Irish Civil War began.

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John Emory is Senn’s Senior PresidentSenn Alma Mater song composed.  ROTC band organized evolves into Senn Concert Band.  30th President Calvin Coolidge sworn into office.  First Home Game played at the Original Yankee Stadium.  USA - First Issue of Time Magazine.  Egypt - King Tutankhamun's Burial Chamber opened by Howard Carter. Canada - Insulin used for first time for Diabetes treatment.  Ireland - Civil War Ends.


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Wrigley Building completed.  The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held.  J. Edgar Hoover was appointed as the head of the FBI.  The Indian Citizenship Act passed & confers citizenship on all Native Americans born within the US.  The 1924 Paris Summer Olympic Games & the Chamonix Winter Olympic Games – the 1st Winter Olympics.

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The Senn Cheerleaders started as early back as 1925 with only male cheerleaders.  Sears Robuck opens first store in Chicago.  The first Motel opens in San Luis Obispo, California.  

Chrysler Corporation is founded by Walter Percy Chrysler.  New Yorker magazine is published.  


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Senn Fencers Win City Championship.  New amplifying system installed in Senn HallUnited States – Chicago - Al Capone Turf Wars.  Route 66 is created & runs from Chicago to Los Angeles.  Radio network National Broadcasting Co. (NBC) is launched.  First successful Liquid Fuel RocketHenry Ford introduces the 40 Hour WeekHarry Houdini Dies.  First SAT College admissions tests given.

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Work begins on Mount Rushmore sculpturing of 4 - U.S. Presidents carved into the mountain. Chicago's Buckingham Fountain is constructed.  Charles Lindbergh's Plane flies "The Spirit of St. Louis" nonstop across the Atlantic.  The Holland Tunnel under the Hudson River opens connecting New York City with Jersey.  The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) was created.

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Mickey Mouse appears on for the first time in Steamboat WillieThe 1928 Amsterdam Summer Olympic Games. The St. Moritz Winter Olympic Games - the 1st to be held in a different nation from the Summer Games of the same year.

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The crash of the stock market on Wall Street leads into The Great Depression begins.  31st President Herbert Hoover sworn into office.  The St. Valentine's Day Massacre on February 14th when seven gangsters rivaling Al Capone are murdered in Chicago, Illinois.

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 Unemployment in the United Kingdom hits 1 million, while it reaches 8.7% in the U.S. over 3.2 million people, nearly double what it was in previous years).  The City of Constantinople in Turkey changes its name to Istanbul.  Prohibition enforcement is strengthened and moved to the justice department.  “Betty Boop” makes her debut in "Dizzy Dishes”.  

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Construction at Senn had begun on the wing additions (North & South) tiers of the building.  Chicago runs out of money & cannot pay its teachers for 2 months.  The Star-Spangled Banner named U.S. National Anthem.  1931 saw the doubling of unemployment to 16.3%. The Empire State Building is completed and becomes the tallest building in the world, in NYC. The classic horror film "Dracula" starring Bela Lugosi is released as well as Frankenstein, starring Boris Karloff.

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*Please click to see Clayton Moore, however sadly, the 1932 yearbook has been lost forever. It is believed that Clayton Moore "The Lone Ranger" had paid the school to destroy the book as to Never show his picture without his mask.  Construction begun at Senn on the boys {large} gymnasium.  The 1932 Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games & the Lake Placid Winter Olympic Games.  13 million Americans unemployed.  More than 24.5% of the population are unemployedCharles Lindbergh son is kidnapped.  20,000 World War I Veterans marched to Washington, D.C. in protest because they had been promised bonuses. 


32nd  President Franklin D. Roosevelt sworn into office.  Senn teachers joined citywide protest marches demanding back pay.  Construction of two building wings completed, campus portables removed.  Repeal of Prohibition in United States allowing 3.2% beer and wine sales when the 21st Amendment is passed repealing the 18th AmendmentThe Machine Gun is demonstrated by Japanese Scientist firing 1,000 shot per minute.  The 20th Amendment to the US Constitution Is Ratified.  Alcatraz becomes a federal penitentiary.

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John Herbert Dillinger #1 bank robber dies after a shootout with the FBI outside the Biograph theatre in Chicago.  Bonnie & Clyde are killed by the FBI in a shootout.  GERMANY - Adolph Hitler declares himself Der Führer and the swastika 卐 now represents the Nazi party.  The Loch Ness Monster is spotted for the first time.

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1,200,000 People face starvation in Illinois due to lack of funding.  President Roosevelt signs the U.S. Social Security Act Providing Unemployment compensation and pensions for the elderly. Black Sunday Dust Storm hits the Great Plains and is the worst Dust Storm in U.S. history. The Hoover Dam construction has completed.  Amelia Earhart flies solo across the Pacific.  Looney Tunes character of "Porky Pig" was first introduced.  Babe Ruth hit the 714th and final home run of his career.  

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The 1936 Berlin Summer Olympic Games - are best remembered for Adolf Hitler’s failed attempt to use them to prove his theories of Aryan racial superiority because African-American athlete Jesse Owens wins the 100-meter dash at the Olympics. And the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Winter Olympic Games.

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The Memorial Day Massacre takes place when 10 union demonstrators are killed when police open fire on union protesters in Chicago Amelia Earhart disappeared.  Snow White & the Seven Dwarves debuts.  The German airship Hindenburg bursts into flames while attempting to moor at Lakehurst, New Jersey.  Daffy Duck debuts.  Golden Gate Bridge officially opens. 

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Senn's Silver Jubilee. Happy 25th Anniversary SennOrson Welles's radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds is broadcast, causing mass panic in the eastern United States.  Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia.   March of Dimes, was founded.  The First use of A seeing eye dogs occurs.  The Senn Majorettes or Batonneers later commonly called the Senn Twirlers had started up, wearing their elaborate costumes & dazzling many. Senn’s 1938 graduating class is 515.


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Senn teacher June McCarthy dies in her class & the student body attended her memorial. Nazi Germany attacks Poland, France, Australia & the United Kingdom declare war on Germany.  This is the start of World War II.  Regular television broadcasts began.  The Great Depression endsLou Gehrig retires from Major League Baseball after being diagnosed with ALS. The Wizard of Oz & Gone with the Wind premiers.

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The Senn Graduating class is 536.  The 1940 Olympic Games - had not been held due to World War IIThe first Captain America comic book was published.  Hattie McDaniel becomes the first African-American actor to win an Academy Award.  Italy declares war on France & the United Kingdom.

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Senn's first Principal Benjamin Buck dies.  Senn's largest class to graduate to date is now 642.  Japan attacks the United States by bombing Pearl Harbor, "a day which will live in infamy" & President Roosevelt asks Congress to declare War on the Empire of Japan.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated for his 3rd term as President.  Citizen Kane premieres.

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As a Senn Senior, Paul Murray plans to join the US Army & fight forces in WWII.   Senn Graduating class 642Minimum draft age is lowered from 21 to 18. First Nuclear Chain Reactor created in a lab at the University of Chicago. Congress creates the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps ( WAAC ). United Nations Organization after the end of World War II. 

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The Senn Cheerleaders had consisted of both male & females for that all time cheer.  Frank Sinatra performs in Senn Hall.  Girls allowed to participate in Military Corps (R.O.T.C.).  The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League is created & later on a movie was made in it's honor called "A League of their Own".   The U.S. Pentagon building is competed.  Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C is Completed.

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Senn Graduating Class - 547.  The 1944 Olympic Games - had not been held due to World War II.  June 6 – World War II – Battle of Normandy: commonly known as D-Day, commences with the landing of 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in France.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the only U.S. president to be elected to a fourth term.

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Senn gets an electronic scoreboard for the gym.  33rd President Harry S. Truman sworn into office after the death of President Franklyn D. Roosevelt.  U.S. detonates an Atomic Nuclear Bombs nicknamed "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan and a 2nd bomb named "Fat Man" over the city of Nagasaki, Japan resulting in the end of WWII.  The first German War Crimes trial begins in Nuremberg.

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United Nations' 1st meeting is held.  Bikinis  first debuts in Paris.  Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gives his famous "Iron Curtain" speech while visiting the U.S.   U.S. troops seize control of US Railroads during rail unions strike.

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Senn welcomes 650 Freshmen.  "Miracle on 34th Street" premieres.  Jackie Robinson becoming the first African-American to play in MLB.  The National Security Act was created during bring the Department of Defense.  A UFO allegedly found in the Roswell.  Polaroid Camera is first demonstrated.  The start of the Cold War which endured over 4 decades, from 1947 until into the late 1980'sUN votes in favor of the creation of an Independent Jewish State of IsraelCIA is established.  

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Principal David M. Davidson steps down.  3rd  Principal William G. Wilson takes over at Senn490 Graduating class!  CHICAGO - A Mom of 4 sells her children due to hard times & not being able to care for them.   The 1948 London Summer Olympic Games & the St. Moritz Winter Olympic Games.  Mahatma Gandhi is murdered.

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446 Senn Graduates.  The Geneva Convention is agreed providing an agreement on the treatment of prisoners.  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Established.  6.75 Richter scale earthquake in Ecuador kills 6000 and destroys 50 towns.  1st. Emmy Awards for TV first presented.  George Orwell's book 1984 is published. Berlin Blockade officially comes to an end. 

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The Korean War begins when North Korea invaded South KoreaDiners Club credit card was the first multi-purpose charge card. President Harry S. Truman places America's railroads under the control of the U.S. Army.  President Truman approved construction of the hydrogen bomb. Great Brinks Robbery. 

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Principal William G. Wilson leaves Senn4th Principal Harry Carr now leads the school.  "I Love Lucy" premieres on CBS.  "The Day the Earth Stood Still" debuts.  The 1st. direct-dial coast to coast telephone call was made.  Alice in Wonderland debuts.  22nd Amendment is ratified which limits US presidential term of office to 8 yrs ( 2 terms ).  The Great Flood of 1951 in Midwest United States.


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Senn welcomes 613 Freshmen.  The 1952 Helsinki Summer Olympic Games & the Oslo Winter Olympic Games.  Israel & Soviet Union join Olympic Games.  1st. Chevrolet Corvette completed.  Mr. Potato Head toy debuts. Anne Frank’s “The Diary of a Young Girl” published.  Charlie Chaplin refused entry back to the US after living here for 20 years.  London Smog kills 4000 people.  300 Die of Polio in U.S 57,000 children are paralyzed prior to the widespread use of Polio vaccine.

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Senn Key Club named outstanding in country, 4 years after its establishment.  Senn is awarded citywide Bellamy Flag for student academic & faculty achievements.  SENN TIMES subscriptions reach 2100.  34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower sworn into office.  First Polio Vaccine Developed.   President Eisenhower signed Executive Order 10450 which defined controversial hiring & firing rules for Gov. Employment.  SCOTUS gave power to enforce right-to-work laws.  Unions gained strength with more & more workers belonging to unions. Queen Elizabeth II crowned queen of England

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Senn offers Advanced Placement courses, the first Chicago High School to do so.  Lyric Theatre of Chicago (Lyric Opera) founded.  Johnson Products Company in business.

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The 1st. McDonald's franchise restaurant opened in the suburb of Des Plaines.  1st. section of Congress Expressway (Dwight D. Eisenhower) opens.  WTTW's first broadcast airs.  USS Nautilus  becomes the 1st. operational nuclear powered submarine.  "The Mickey Mouse Club" debuts on ABC.  First Guinness Book of World Records Published of which, Senn later becomes a part of the book for having more nationalities under their roof than the United Nations had at that time.  Disneyland opens in California.  Rosa Parks, an African-American, is arrested after refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama.

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Principal Harry Carr moves on to Austin High.  5th Principal Samuel Nowinson takes on Senn’s top job.  Senn Majorettes had taken 1st place in the Nationals. They performed at assemblies, parades, festivals, & street fares.  The 1956 Melbourne Stockholm Summer Olympic Games & the Cortina D’Ampezzo Winter Olympic Games.  USSR team, which immediately won more medals than any other nation.   The epic film "The Ten Commandments" premieres.  The first hard disk is invented by IBM.   Alabama Bus segregation laws declared illegal by US Supreme Court.

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Senn Boys gymnasium dedicated to Albert Shaffner, baseball, basketball, fencing coach for 47 years.  Dick Clark's American Bandstand” debut.  Asian Flu pandemic claims over 150,000 lives world wide.  1957 was the peak of the Baby Boomer years.  Toyota starts selling cars in the USUnited States Little Rock NineNational Guard is used to prevent nine African American students from entering Central High School, shortly after Federal troops charge defiant protesters with fixed bayonets to ensure nine African American Students can attend Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas.  

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Sennaids service projects merged Senior Girls and Senior Hostesses.  Our Lady of the Angels School Fire killing a total of 92 pupils & 3 nunsChicago's last streetcar ran & at one time, Chicago had the largest streetcar system in the world.  NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration is formed.  U.S. launches the Explorer 1 satellite while Soviet Union successfully launches the Sputnik 3 satellite.  US Unemployment reaches 5.2 million.  Elvis Presley is inducted into the Army.

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6th Principal Dr. John F. Erzinger, a Senn alumnus himself is welcomed replacing Nowinson.  Work began on Senn Park west of school, Greenview Avenue is removed between Thorndale & Ridge.  Second City comedy troupe active.  St. Lawrence Seaway opens linking the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean; Queen Elizabeth visits Chicago & arrives at Monroe Harbor (later calling it) Queens landing.  Alaska is admitted to the union & becomes the 49th state & Hawaii is admitted to the the Union & became the 50th State.   Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba.

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7th Principal Dr. Benedict Amar takes over the helm at Senn replacing Erzinger. The 1st Playboy Club opens in Chicago. Nixon-Kennedy is the first televised presidential debate held.  The 1960 Rome Summer Olympic Games & the Squaw Valley Winter Olympic Games.  John F Kennedy wins presidential Election. The United States announces that 3,500 American soldiers are going to be sent to Vietnam.  Classic American novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” published.  Cassius Clay (who later took the name Muhammad Ali) wins his first professional fight after having won the Gold Medal in Rome in the Olympic games

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CHICAGO - DuSable Museum of African American History established.   35th President John F. Kennedy sworn into office.  Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to fly in space, Freedom Riders took buses into the South to bravely challenge segregation, and East Germany began construction of the Berlin Wall.  Executive Order #10924 which created the Peace Corps.  CIA mount unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Castro known as the Bay of Pigs.  The first Six Flags theme parks opens.  23rd Amendment to the Constitution is Ratified.  President Kennedy asks Congress for $531 million to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade.   

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Senn Alumnus Harold Ramis graduates & later becomes famous actor, director & producer.  John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the Earth.  President Kennedy announces to the nation the existence of Soviet missiles in Cuba known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Marilyn Monroe sings Happy Birthday to President Kennedy three months later Monroe died of a drug overdose.  Space Needle an observation tower in Seattle is completed for the 1962 World's Fair.  Marvel's Spider-Man superhero makes his first appearance.  US Navy SEALS are created.  First Kmart opens.  



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Senn's Golden Jubilee. Happy 50th Anniversary Senn.  First computer classes offered at Senn & the January mid-term biennial graduation commencements are discontinued. O'Hare Airport opens.  35th President John F. Kennedy assassinated36th President Lyndon B. Johnson sworn into office. Jack Ruby murders Kennedy's suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.  Alcatraz Penitentiary known as "the Rock" Closes.   Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his "I have a dream" speech.

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Southwest Expressway I-55 (Adlai E. Stevenson) completed.  President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law ending the Jim Crow laws that had legalized segregation in the U.S.  since the end of slavery and the Civil War.  End of the Baby Boomers GenerationThe 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games & the Innsbruck Winter Olympic Games.  The Boston Strangler "Albert DeSalvo" is capturedWarren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy concludes Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone.  1st. Beatles US Album "Introducing the Beatles" is released.  

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8th Principal Thomas F. Coffey brings new leadership to Senn as Amar moves on.  TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program established, first of its kind in CPS system here at Senn.  3,500 US Marines arrive in South Vietnam.   SELMADr. Martin Luther King Jr. leads civil rights march in Alabama from Selma to Montgomery. President Johnson sends a bill to Congress that forms the basis for the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  The St. Louis Arch standing at 630-foot-tall is completed.  President Johnson announces increase the number of troops in Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000.  

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Richard Speck murders 8 Nurses in Chicago.  Martin Luther King Jr. marches in Chicago.  Chicago Civic Center dedicated; Picasso sculpture unveiled.   Miranda Rights come into being after the SCOTUS overturns the conviction of a confessed rapist ruling he had not been properly informed of his right to council and to not testify against himself.   U.S. Department of Transportation is created.  "Batman" & "Star Trek" series debuts.  U.S. has nearly 500,000 troops in Vietnam.  Race Riots rise across America.  

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CHICAGO - The Snowstorm of 67' drops 23" of snow, closing the city for several days.  Green Bay Packers win Super Bowl 1. McCormick Place Fire burns to the ground.  Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black justice on the SCOTUS.  Beatles release Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The town of Winneconne in the state of Wisconsin declared its sovereignty.  25th Amendment to the constitution is ratified which deals with succession to the Presidency. Interracial Marriage is declared constitutional by SCOTUS in the "Loving v. Virginia" case.  US Navy pilot Senator John McCain was shot down over North Vietnam & spent 5 1/2 years in prison.  

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Green Bay Packers win Super Bowl 2. The Democratic National Convention & Riots in Chicago, tens of thousands of Vietnam War protesters battled police in the streets & Mayor Richard J. Daily gave "Shoot to kill" orders to CPD.   At SENN In the wake of Democrat Convention confrontations & black student boycotts, the Afro-American Club was created.  CBOE establishes Afro-American History courses.  Martin Luther King Jr. is Assassinated by James Earl RayU.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy is Assassinated by Sirhan SirhanPresident Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act. The 1968 Mexico Summer Olympic Games & the Grenoble Winter Olympic Games.

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New York Jets win Super Bowl 3. Black Panther Fred Hampton was assassinated.  The Chicago 8 trial opens.  100-floor John Hancock Center was built.  First moon landing Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong & Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon saying: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".  37th President Richard M. Nixon was sworn into office.  The Beatles record "Abbey Road".  U.S. Air Force closed its Project ( Blue Book ) concluding there was no evidence of UFOsDraft lottery to determine draft into US Forces for Vietnam War.  Stonewall Riot in NYC. 

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Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 4Paul McCartney announces that the Beatles have disbanded.  Soul Train debuts.  NASA's Apollo 13 mission to moon Accident.  US Invades Cambodia.  Several students were shot and killed by the National Guard at anti-war protests at Kent State University.  Chicago Seven defendants found guilty of intent to incite a riot in 1968 {later overturned by Court of Appeal}.  First Earth Day celebrated. 100,000 people demonstrate in Washington DC against the Vietnam War.  The world's Population reaches 3.63 billionCongress passes the 26th Amendment & lowers the voting age to 18.  

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Baltimore Colts win Super Bowl 5.  Senn's 9th Principal John T. Martin moves up from vice-principal after being voted in by the LSC & replacing outgoing Principal Thomas F. Coffey.  Little Big HornSenn’s school within a school for Native Americans, is opened.  Walt Disney World Theme Park is open.  Mariner 9 becomes the first spacecraft to orbit another planet.  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) was created.  A Harris public opinion poll claims that 60% of Americans are against the war in Vietnam.  Federal Express is started.  Charles Manson & three of his followers receive the death penalty.

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Dallas Cowboys win Super Bowl 6.  The 1972 Munich Summer Olympic Games & the Sapporo Winter Olympic Games11 Israel Athletes were murdered by Arab Gunman at the Summer Munich Olympic Games. The IOC orders all games to be paused for 34 hours.  United Airlines Flight 553 crashed killing 45 people including US Rep. George Collins & wife of an Indicted Watergate conspirator carrying $10,585. in cash.  Five White House operatives are arrested for burglarizing the offices of the Democratic National Committee the start of the Watergate Scandal, "Deep Throat." reveals Examination of the burglars.   Governor George Wallace shot 3 times leaving him paralyzed.

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Miami Dolphins win Super Bowl 7.  Racial Riots throughout SENN had created more police presence.  The first International Festival is staged; the tradition continues annually.  Pom Pon girls organized to perform at sports events and to be named the Sennsationals.  Sears Tower (later Willis Tower) was completed, becoming the world’s tallest building for the next 30 years.  SCOTUS rules on Roe v. Wade making abortion a US constitutional right.  Spiro Agnew, the VPOTUS under Richard Nixon, resigned over tax evasion. The Vietnam War ends with the signing of peace. World Trade Center becomes the tallest building in the world.   The Bahamas gains Independence from Great Britain. 

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Miami Dolphins win Super Bowl 8.  CHICAGOSteppenwolf Theatre Company founded.  38th President Gerald R. Ford was sworn into office after President Richard Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment over Watergate.  Stephen King publishes his debut novel "Carrie".   55 MPH Speed Limit imposed to preserve gas usage US-wide.  President Ford announces an amnesty program for Vietnam War deserters and draft evaders.  In response to the energy crisis, daylight saving time commences nearly four months early in the United States. Kootenai Native American Tribe in Idaho declares war on the United States

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Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl 9.  Chicago's Deep Tunnel Project begins which will carry runoff rainwater away. War in Vietnam comes to an end, and a series of events leads to the fall of Saigon.  The British Conservative Party chose its first women leader, Margaret Thatcher. Sony released their Betamax video cassette.  Jaws debuts. Patty Hearst becomes Most Wanted & is arrested for armed robbery.  Unemployment Rate in the US reaches 9.2%.  Jimmy Hoffa the teamsters boss disappears never to be seen again.  US Apollo and Soviet Soyuz 9 spacecraft link up in space & Russian cosmonauts & American astronauts shake hands.

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Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl 10.  America celebrates 200 years of Independence & SENN participates in Bicentennial events.  The 1976 Montreal Summer Olympic Games were marred by an African boycott involving 22 countries however, Nadia Comaneci won 3 gold medals at the Montreal Olympics with seven perfect scores.  the Innsbruck Winter Olympic Games.  Rocky debuts.  Jimmy Jimmy Carter wins the election.  NASA unveils the first space shuttle, the Enterprise.  First Commercial Concorde Flights take off.  The Six Million Dollar Man. The $2.00 bill Issued. Son of Sam terrorizes the city.

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Oakland Raiders win Super Bowl 11.  Chicago Marathon begins & becomes 1 of the top 6 marathons around the world.  39th President Jimmy Carter was sworn into office.  The New York City Blackout lasted for 25 hours and resulted in looting & disorder.  Atari 2600, also known as the Atari Video Computer System debuts.  Elvis Presley is found dead.  The first Star Wars film,  Episode IV - A New Hope, premieres.  “Saturday Night Fever”  debuts bringing the Beginning of the DISCO eraThe TV Mini Series "Roots" is aired on ABC.  The Trans Alaskan Oil Pipeline opens. Carter pardons American Draft dodgers of the Vietnam War Period.

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Dallas Cowboys win Super Bowl 12.  Chicago's Heavy snowstorm & city's perceived slow response led to an upset of incumbent 39th Mayor Michael Anthony Bilandic as he then lost to 40th Mayor Jane Byrne.  NASA unveils the first group of women astronauts including Sally Ride.  US Teacher's strike extends summer holidays for thousands of students.  The Volkswagen Beetle stops production.   Serial killer David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam," is sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.  Susan B. Anthony Dollar is minted.  Grease, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and National Lampoon's Animal House are popular movies.

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Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl 13.  Jane Byrne was elected the first female mayor of Chicago.  American Airlines Flight 191 crashes killing 73 people making it the single most deadly crash.  Michael Jackson releases his breakthrough album "Off the Wall".  ESPN launches on cable TV.  Voyager 1 spacecraft releases photos of Saturn's Rings.  During the "Death to the Klan March" organized by white supremacists opened fire killing five marchers.

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Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl 14. The SENN Pep Club started & they gave additional cheer & pep to all games & rallies.  The 1980 Moscow Summer Olympic Games with a US-led boycott reduced the number of participating nations to 80 & the Lake Placid Winter Olympic Games.  Rubik’s Cube puzzle toy debuts.  Iran-Iraq war begins.  CNN (Cable News Network) began broadcasting.  The Beatles member John Lennon was shot & killed by an obsessed fan.  US Population is 226,504,825.  Japan has become the world's largest auto-producing country.

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Oakland Raiders win Super Bowl 15.  40th President Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. The Royal Wedding of Prince Charles & Lady Diana Spencer.  Hill Street Blues TV show premieres.  First Space Shuttle Mission Columbia successfully carried two astronauts, Robert Crippen & John Young, into space.  “Raiders of the Lost Ark” makes its debut.  An unknown piece of music written by Mozart is discovered.  Air Traffic Controllers' Strike causing chaos in the US & President Ronald Reagan fired them breaking up the ATC union illegally.  The first American test-tube baby is born.

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San Francisco 49ers win Super Bowl 16.  SENN Soccer takes City Championship.  With no ROTC representing Senn at the time, the Senn Honor Guard was created to carry colors & perform at public events. The Honor Guard not only carried the nation’s flag but now new Senn High School flags as well bearing the bulldog & the school colors. Tylenol capsules laced with potassium cyanide kill 7 in Chicago.   Michael Jackson’s album “Thriller” was released.   The break-up of AT&T was ordered by the US Government.  Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC is dedicated. The largest cash robbery in History occurs in New York when $9,800,000 is stolen from an armored car. A gallon of Gas = 91 cents.  

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Washington Redskins win Super Bowl 17.  ALL sports teams make it to playoffs Senn's Brenda Harris is awarded "Dedicated Teacher"  from DePaul University.   Harold Washington was elected the first African American mayorChicago Ordinance banning handguns takes effect.  The US invaded Grenada 5,000+ Marines were sent to the island after the government was overthrown in a bloody coup by a Cuban-trained military.  Brinks robbery at Heathrow Airport making off with three tons of gold bars valued at $37.5 million.  Under President Reagan - Unemployment Rises in the US to 12 million the highest figure since 1941.


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Los Angeles Raiders win Super Bowl 18.  Nicholas Senn High School's Name changed to Senn Metropolitan Academy of Liberal Arts & Technology; curricula features a wide range of technical courses.  A uniform disciplinary code was adopted.  A Rapid Transit Line extended to O’Hare Airport named the Blue Line.  The Chicago Cubs reached the postseason for the first time since 1945 but fell short in Game 5 of the NLCS playoffs.  The 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games & the Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games.  Space Shuttle Discovery launches for its maiden flight.  Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space on the Space Shuttle Challenger.

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San Francisco 49ers win Super Bowl 19.  Chicago's State of Illinois Center (later James R. Thompson Center) opens.  TWA Flight 847 is hijacked by Hezbollah.  The Italian Cruise Liner "Achille Lauro " is hijacked by Palestinian Terrorists.  The first Mobile Phone Call Is Made in the UK.  Route 66 is removed from the United States Highway System.  Mikhail Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko as Soviet leader.  A joint American-French expedition locates the wreck of the RMS Titanic.  The Unabomber kills his first victim.  Insurance companies begin screening for Aids for life insurance causing outcry by civil liberties groups.

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The Chicago Bears win Super Bowl XX.  Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Productions, Inc. in business.  Space Shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after takeoff watched by people “live on TV” around the world. A nuclear power station in Chernobyl, exploded causing a huge nuclear disaster causing release of radioactive material across much of Europe.  Comet Halley reaches the closest point to the Earth, during its second visit to the solar systemMike Tyson becomes the youngest Heavyweight Champion in history.  Smoking is banned on all public transport including trains, planes, busses and coaches. 


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New York Giants win Super Bowl 21.  Chicago's Mayor Harold Washington dies at 65.  Sitcom, “Full House,” debuts.   Baby "M" Case the First Case in an American court ruling on the validity of Surrogacy is declared by a New Jersey court over the custody rights of "Baby M" regarding a surrogacy agreement with Mary Beth Whitehead.  Simpsons first Appear.   Supernova is observed, as the first "naked-eye" supernova since 1604.  Aretha Franklin was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  The US Population Estimated at 244.6 Million.  Disposable Contact Lenses became available for commercial distribution.  

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Washington Redskins win Super Bowl 22.  Senn's Diamond  Jubilee. Happy 75th Anniversary SennThe 1988 Seoul Summer Olympic Games 159 nations participated & the Calgary Winter Olympic Games was the first time, the Winter Games were extended to 16 days, including three weekends.  Lights are installed in Wrigley Field.   After 8 years & 1.5 million dead, the Iran -- Iraq war ends.  Iraq carries out Poison Gas attacks on Kurds. A new drug Crack appears (A derivative of Cocaine).  Over 1/3 of Yellowstone National Park is destroyed by a forest fire.  The first major computer virus infects computers connected to the Internet. 

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San Francisco 49ers win Super Bowl 23.  41st President George H. W. Bush was sworn into office.  Galileo Spacecraft is launched by NASA.  SCOTUS ruled that flag burning as a form of political protest is an act of protected speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution.  Serial killer Ted Bundy is executed.  Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (11 million gallonsof oil.  The US Government provides a $150 billion bail-out for hundreds of saving and loan associations.  The first of 24 satellites of the Global Positioning System is placed into orbit & Voyager II passes the planet Neptune.  Nintendo begins selling the Game Boy.  

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San Francisco 49ers win Super Bowl 24.  Saddam Hussein orders the Iraq invasion of Neighboring Kuwait.  Operation Desert Shield Begins as the United States & UK send troops to Kuwait.  The most complete skeleton of a T-Rex is found in South Dakota (Sue) and later ends up on display at the Chicago Field Museum.  Earthquake in Iran kills 50,000Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years in prison.  President George Bush & Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed a historic agreement to end the production of chemical weapons   Space Shuttle Discovery places the Hubble Space Telescope in orbit. Electrician Lech Walesa becomes president of Poland. 

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New York Giants win Super Bowl 25.  922 Homicides Made Chicago's 1991 Year To Forget.  Operation Desert Storm UN Coalition Force led by the US & including many Arab & European countries Bombs Iraq.  RussiaBoris Yeltsin wins first free elections for Russia's first popularly-elected president.  Soviet Union - First Steps Taken to Dissolve USSR.  Mike Tyson is arrested and charged with raping Desiree Washington.  Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested after the remains of 11 men & boys were found his refrigerator.  Police Brutality Captured On Film in California in the case of Rodney King's arrest.   Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as president of the Soviet Union & the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist.  

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Washington Redskins win Super Bowl 26.  John T. Martin retires having served 21 years & 10th Senn Principal Christine Clayton Senn's 1st. Female principal & 1st. African-American principal.  Great Flood of 1992 basements & tunnels throughout downtown Chicago were flooded with 124 million gallons of water from the Chicago River.  The 1992 Albertville Winter Olympic Games were the last Winter Games to be staged in the same year as the Summer GamesThe Barcelona Summer Olympic Games take place25,000 U.S. forces were sent to Somalia as part of an effort to restore peace.  President George H.W. Bush signs the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Prince Charles & Princess Diana separated.

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Dallas Cowboys win Super Bowl 27.  CBOE threatened to end SENN sports, extracurricular activities, businesses, and individuals contributing over $1 million to salvage the season. Boys are allowed to join cheerleading squads. *(Boys originally led the squads in 1925). Orange Line opens to Midway Airport.  Man convicted in 1993 massacre at Brown's Chicken claims new evidence. The 42nd President William J. Clinton was sworn into office. The Brady bill requiring background checks of prospective buyers is signed into law. World Trade Center is bombed.  2 former police officers are convicted of violating the civil rights of beaten motorist Rodney King. The FBI Waco Siege left 4 agents dead & 16 wounded, & 80+ Branch Davidians killed

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Dallas Cowboys win Super Bowl 28.  SENN New attendance system installed features individual student bar-coded cards.  The 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympic Games was the 1st year the Summer & Winter Games were separated. Tonya Harding wins the National Figure Skating championship title but is stripped of her title following an attack on her rival Nancy Kerrigan. Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa.  OJ Simpson flees police in his white Ford Bronco & wanted for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown & Ron Goldman.  Brazil Wins the 1994 World Cup in the US.  MLB Players Association's 232-day strike caused the 1994 season to be canceled

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San Francisco 49ers win Super Bowl 29.  Tereca Woods is the first female football player in Senn's history.  Senn's Boy's Gymnastic team takes city.  Chicago Deadly Heat Wave which led to 739 heat-related deaths with temps up to 106 degrees.  A car bombing by Timothy McVeigh kills 168 people at the Oklahoma Federal Building. NASA’s Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter. Michael Jordan returns to the NBA, ending his retirement.  NASA’s Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter.  OJ Simpson was found innocent. Megan's Law is passed to make parents aware of the presence of convicted sex offenders in their neighborhood. Grateful Dead break up. 

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Dallas Cowboys win Super Bowl 30.  11th Principal Judith R. Hernandez like her predecessor Christine Clayton had also worked at Senn High School for a great number of years at Senn & is the 2nd woman to become principal and the school's 1st Hispanic.  The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Games were given a dramatic & emotional start when the cauldron was lit by sporting legend Muhammad Ali. However, tragedy struck when a terrorist bomb exploded in the Centennial Olympic Park. 2 people died & a further 110 people were injured.  Prince Charles & Princess Diana got divorced.  30 Black churches in Mississippi are burned to the ground. 

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Green Bay Packers win Super Bowl 31.  Lincoln statue dedicated in Senn Park. Senn's International Baccalaureate program, offering challenging college preparatory courses, is authorized. Princess Diana is killed in a car crash her funeral watched by 1.5 billion people around the world. NASA Pathfinder lands on Mars. 70 people are gunned down by Islamic extremists in Egypt's Valley of The Kings. Madeleine Albright becomes the first female Secretary of State.  Mother Teresa Dies in Calcutta.  Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear during a match and is suspended from boxing.  A civil jury panel found OJ Simpson Guilty & ordered him to make payments to the Goldman family.  Tiger Woods at 21 years old became the youngest ever golfer to win the Masters.  The Simpsons become the longest-running prime-time animated series. 

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Denver Broncos win Super Bowl 32.  The Chicago Bulls won their sixth NBA Championship in eight years. 2 Chicago boys, ages 7 and 8, have been charged with murdering an 11-year-old girl; striking her with a rock, sexually molesting her & suffocating her with her underwear. The 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games had Snowboarding debuted as an official discipline. Curling returned to the Olympic Winter program, this time with a tournament for both men & women.  The search engine Google is founded & started up. Assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) begins. Bill Clinton denies he had "sexual relations" with intern Monica Lewinsky & Impeached for perjury & obstruction of justice. James Byrd Jr, a 49-year-old African-American man is dragged to his death behind a pickup truckThe world's largest suspension Bridge 1.234 miles in Japan opens. 

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Denver Broncos win Super Bowl 33.  The year Prince wanted us all to party like it's 1999.  Ford Acquires Volvo.  F5 tornado slams in Oklahoma City killing 38 people. The United States Senate acquitted President Bill Clinton of perjury & obstruction of justice.  SpongeBob SquarePants” premieres.  Lance Armstrong wins his first Tour de FranceDr. Jack Kervorkian was sentenced for the 2nd-degree murder of Thomas Youk's assisted suicide.  Columbine High School Massacre 2 boys - 17 & 18, go on a shooting rampage at their school killing 13 (12 students & 1 teacher) & injuring 21 others.  Americans pushed Congress for changes in gun laws, so then a New US Gun Control Bill was Rejected for new controls going too far, & new controls not going far enough.  My Space was officially introduced to the Internet.  The release of Napster.  The West Nile Virus first appears.  The U.S. women's soccer team wins the FIFA Women's World Cup championships. 

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St. Louis Rams win Super Bowl 34.  Y2K is feared around the world. The 2000 Sydney Summer Olympic Games where the Triathlon & taekwondo were two new additions to the Olympic program. The state of Vermont passes legalizing Civil Unions for same-sex couples300 gallons of black sludge is released into the Mississippi River causing an environmental disaster. Bush Vs. Gore - SCOTUS rules to end the vote recount in Florida, giving the presidency to George W. Bush after a prolonged legal battle following the election. Lifespan in the US is now 77.5 years.  Hillary Clinton is elected to the US Senate representing New York. 

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Baltimore Ravens win Super Bowl 35.  Chicago International Speedway is opened.  Boeing is moving its headquarters to Chicago.  43rd. President George W. Bush was sworn into office. al-Qaeda Terrorists attack the World Trade Center in NYC using hijacked passenger aircraft & crashing an aircraft into the Pentagon, and a Virginia field killing nearly 3000 people. 911 Never Forget!  Dale Earnhardt who had won a record 7 Nascar championships dies in a last-lap crash at Daytona 500.  Anthrax attacks spread fear amongst the American Public. The Republican-controlled House voted for the Economic Growth & Tax Relief Reconciliation Act.  The shoe bomber attempts to blow up an American Airlines plane. 

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New England Patriots win Super Bowl 36.  At Senn - All windows, & lawn sprinkler systems were replaced. Chicago's Lakeview Polar Bear Club was founded.  The 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games have extended to 78 events.  Halle Berry is the 1st black actress to win the Academy Award for Best ActressThe Euro becomes the official currency of twelve Europeans countries. 2 Snipers in the Washington DC area kill 10 people & injure 3 more. Elizabeth Smart is kidnapped from her family home {Found Alive in 2003}. President Bush creates the Department of Homeland Security.   No Child Left Behind Act. Kelly Clarkson wins the First American Idol Contest. 

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Tampa Bay Buccaneers win Super Bowl 37.  Senn Achievement Academy was established for 8th graders who haven’t met promotion criteria for high school.  Senn Gay Straight alliance formed.  Student Health Clinic opened on campus.  NASA Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard.  Meigs Field closed after having large X-shaped gouges dug into the runway surface by bulldozers in the middle of the night ordered by Mayor Dailey in fear of the recent 911 plane bombing at the WTC.  Department of Homeland Security officially begins operation.  Armed undercover "sky marshals" are used on all planes.  Justice Roy Moore is suspended when he refused to take down the Ten Commandments from an Alabama state justice building. 


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New England Patriots win Super Bowl 38.  Millennium Park opens.  Facebook social site launches. Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction with Justin Timberlake at the Super Bowl.  Former President Ronald Reagan dies.  NASA The Cassini-Huygens orbiter & probe entered Saturn’s orbitThe 2004 Athens Summer Olympic Games comes home to its mother country with 301 events & a total of 10,625 athletes.  The CIA admits that there was no imminent threat from weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.  The 60th anniversary of D-Day is remembered.  Boston Red Sox won the World Series in baseball for the first time since 1918Martha Stewart was convicted of a felony & sentenced to 5 months in prison.  Scott Peterson is found guilty for the murder of his wife Laci Peterson.


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New England Patriots win Super Bowl 39.  At Senn 12th Principal Richard S. Norman takes the helm.  The Chicago White Sox won their first World Series in 88 years.  Hurricane Katrina strikes the Louisiana, Mississippi & Alabama coastal areas. Levees separating Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, Louisiana were breached by the surge, ultimately flooding roughly 80% of the city of New Orleans & 1600 perished in the aftermath.  "YouTube" was founded.  Michael Jackson is found not guilty of Child Molestation Charges.  President George W. Bush acknowledged he'd personally authorized a secret eavesdropping program in the U.S. following Sept. 11 and he signed the new act making it harder for those with large debts to wipe clean their financial slates by declaring bankruptcy under Chapter 7 "New Bankruptcy Law". 

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Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl 40.  Green initiative with community gardens established on Senn's main campus.  Chicago - U.S. immigration reform protests draw over 400,000.  The Bean is installed in Millennium Park.  The year ended with 478 homicidesVice President Dick Cheney shoots a man in the face Social media Twitter launches.  Pluto was demoted as a planetCrocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dies from a stingray whose barb stabbed him in the heart. Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, was found guilty of crimes against humanity & sentenced to death by hanging.  Google purchases YouTube for $1.65 billion.  Serial Shooter killers Dale S. Hausner & Samuel John Dieteman are caught & charged for the drive-by murders of 6 people in Phoenix. The 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games had a record 2,508 athletes from 80 committees.

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Indianapolis Colts won Super Bowl 41 beating the Chicago Bears.  Senn AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) college preparatory program certified for the third consecutive year, is serving as a statewide model. New state-of-the-art Senn science labs installed A student on Virginia Tech Campus goes on a killing spree leaving over 30 students dead.  A Bridge over the Mississippi River on I35W collapsed with cars dropping 50ft into the river, due to quick responses by emergency services only 13 people lost their lives in the tragedy.  Apple Company releases the very first iPhone.  world's largest ship the "Liberty of the Seas" a passenger cruise ship goes into service.  Nancy Pelosi is elected as the first female Speaker of the US Congress.   An earthquake measuring 8.0 strikes the central coastal area of Peru leaving 500 dead


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New York Giants win Super Bowl 42.  The Senn Spirit team now organized is a combination of Cheerleaders & Pom-Pon Girls started.  Senn Friends Forever Alumni organized and reunited alumni for various multi-class year events; like fundraisers, dances & picnics.  US President-elect Barack Obama makes his victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park.  A Cop kills a Cougar roaming the city. On Valentine's day, a gunman Steven Kazmierczak opens fire at Northern Illinois University killing five & injuring twenty-one, before committing suicideThe 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games - several hundred million watched worldwide on TV as more than 40 world records & over 130 Olympic records were broken.  General Motors Corp. reports the largest ever recorded loss for a maker of $38.7 billion loss

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Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl 43.  44th. President Barack H. Obama was sworn into office giving America's first African-American president.  The World Health Organization declares the H1N1 influenza strain, commonly referred to as "swine flu", as a global pandemic.  Michael Jackson dies in strange circumstances & brings worldwide outpouring of grief.  US Airways Flight 1549 after being struck by a flock of Canada geese shortly after takeoff Piloted by Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger makes a successful Crash landing in the Hudson River.  President of Guinea-Bissau, João Bernardo Vieira, is assassinated.  Pirates Attempt Hijack of MV Maersk Cargo Ship 280 miles southeast of Eyl, Somalia, Hijack Fails but they take Captain Richard Phillips as a hostage, however, the US Navy Seals come in & rescue him. In 2013 his story became a movie starring Tom Hanks. 

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New Orleans Saints win Super Bowl 44.  Senn Hall was renovated at a cost of $4.6 million.  Principal Richard S. Norman retires.  13th. Principal Susan A. Lofton comes to Senn from Steinmetz High School vice-principal job.   A new HVAC system was installed at a cost of $10 million. CBOE approves the Senn magnet fine arts program.  Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup.  The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games with 17 days of Olympic Games events, 2566 athletes, 82 participating countries, 10,000 media representatives, and 3 billion television viewers worldwide.  IL. bans text while driving. Ralm Emanuel leaves the White House to run for Mayor of Chicago race.  Healthcare Reform Bill-Affordable Care Act (ACA) passes & signed into law.  Tea Party numbers grow in the US. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf. 

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Green Bay Packers win Super Bowl 45.  The Senn Friends Forever Alumni website site was established and run by the alumni, showing Senn High School’s history, and honoring its famed alumniveteransprincipals, sports, & teachersSenn centennial planning begins & is adopted as the Senn Senntennial 2013.  Same-sex marriage is now allowed statewide in IL. Rahm Emanuel becomes Chicago's mayor. 900 cars abandoned on Lake Shore Drive due to Blizzard. The Last of Cabrini Green towers were torn down. Osama Bin Laden was killed by Seal Team SixArizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot along with 12 others killing 6 including a 9 yr. old girl. NASA launches the Juno spacecraft with a Jupiter mission. Kate Middleton & Prince William are married. Occupy Wall Street movement highlighting income inequality. 

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New York Giants win Super Bowl 46.  Honorary street signs (Senn Centennial Way 2013) are designated on the 4 corners of the school periphery. Loyola partnered with Senn on multiple fronts, one of those being the formation of a state-of-the-art Digital Journalism program. The four-year curriculum is for students interested in finding their voices through print and broadcast media. Thanks to a generous grant from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Senn has opened up a $30,000 broadcast studio that includes two cameras, a mixer, and Apple computers with sophisticated editing software. Students focus on writing original news articles about topics ranging from Senn’s many accolades to global politics.  38th G8 Summit & 2012 Chicago Summit takes place in Chicago.  NBC's "Chicago Fire" premieres.  A gunman at the "The Dark Knight Rises" movie in Aurora, Colorado, opens fire killing 12 & injuring 58 people. "Curiosity Rover" successfully lands on Mars. The Sandy Hook Elementary shooting killed 26 people, most of the victims were 6-7 yr. old children. The 2012 London Summer Olympic Games. The Mayan calendar runs down, but the World did Not End.

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Baltimore Ravens win Super Bowl 47.  Senn's Platinum  Senntennial. Happy 100th Anniversary Senn High School. Senn Senntennial climaxes with a gala celebration in the Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier.  Senn's Bulldogs Jessica Velez class of 2014 is the 2nd female to be on the football team in the position of running back.  Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup scoring 2 goals in 17 seconds to defeat the Boston Bruins.  Lance Armstrong admitted to doping in all of his Tour de France wins.  Boston Marathon Bombing - 2 bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon killing 3 & injuring 264 people.  President Obama is inaugurated for his second term.  North Korea continues missile & nuclear tests despite international pressure.  Edward Snowden leaks information about the NSA's secret internet and cell phone data gathering program.





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Seattle Seahawks win Super Bowl 48.  Nik Wallenda walked along a tightrope between three buildings in Chicago, crossing over the Chicago River without a tether or net to catch him if he fell.  After completing the first walk, he undertook a second attempt while blindfolded. Wallenda completed the first walk in seven minutes and did the blindfolded walk in a little over a minute. The telecast was on a ten-second delay in case something went wrong with Wallenda's walk.  Feds Step In After 45 People Shot in Chicago Over Easter Weekend. Chicago’s endemic gang and gun problem, giving the city its nickname “Chiraq.”   The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games.  Ebola Epidemic Becomes Global Health Crisis a deadly hemorrhagic fever. Republicans Take Control of the Senate in Midterm Elections. The unexpected deaths of both Robin Williams & Joan Rivers left fans in tears. Robin Williams, 63, committed suicide & Joan Rivers 81, fell into a medically induced coma later dying from brain damage due to a lack of oxygen.  

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New England Patriots win Super Bowl 49.  Principal Susan Lofton is removed from her position as Senn Principal and escorted out of the building by the CBOE inspector pending an investigation that she "Lowered Test Scores to keep Special Needs Kids Out of Senn".  *See Principals Alley for full details. 14th Principal Mary P. Beck has now come to Senn to take the helm and lead the students to excellence.  Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup yet again for the third time in six years, establishing a "puck dynasty" nationwide and arguably becoming the best team in the NHLVideo of the Shooting of Laquan McDonald is released by court order, and protests ensue after he was shot by a cop 16 times and was unarmedGun deaths became as common as traffic deaths in the U.S.   Millennials surpassed boomers as the biggest U.S. generation.  Same-sex marriage became a right in the U.S.  NASA confirms the presence of water on Mars.  195 countries endorse the Paris Agreement to limit climate change of which 2 years later Trump reneges and is the only country to pull out. 

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2016 yearbook


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Chicago Cubs wins the World Series after 108 years.  Denver Broncos win Super Bowl 50.  McDonald's announced it will move its headquarters from Oak Brook to the West Loop.  Protesters successfully disrupt a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump preventing him from visiting Chicago's rally.  Chicago's 762 homicides is the highest in 19 years.  The American unemployment rate plummeted to its lowest level since the recession.  The U.S. Treasury announced it would replace former President Andrew Jackson with abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.  The 2016 Rio Summer Olympic GamesUnited States athletes were virtually unstoppable at this year's Olympic games. Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, won another five gold medals in Rio, bringing his career grand total to 28 Olympic medals, 23 of them gold. More Women Were Elected to the Senate Than Ever Before.   Boxing icon - Muhammad Ali dies.  Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated to be president by a major U.S. presidential party.  A Video of Donald Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women surfaced. 


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New England Patriots win Super Bowl 51.  Chicago - approves public high school "post-graduation plan" graduation requirement.  45th. President Donald J. Trump was sworn into office by colluding with the Russians after rigging the U.S. election.  Women's protest against U.S. President Trump.  Harvey Weinstein & the #MeToo Revolution.  Trump reset the clock & reversed everything President Obama had progressively moved forward with for the good.   Deadliest Shooting In U.S. History 58 people died & 546 were injured when a lone gunman aimed at crowds enjoying a concert.  White Supremacists & Nazis rally march in North Carolina leaving 3 people dead & Racist Trump Not refusing to disavow their movement. 

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2018 yearbook


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Philadelphia Eagles win Super Bowl 52.  North and South Korea walked together in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. 555 people have been murdered in the city as of Dec. 30, 2018. Both O’Hare And Midway Now Have Unlimited Free Wi-Fi. Chicago O’Hare is gonna be the first airport in the U.S. to Fly directly to All 6 Major Continents. A study names Chicago The ‘Rat Capital’ of America. Chicago ranked as The Best Big City in America, again. Democrats Win Back the House. #MeToo Movement Goes Global. The #MeToo movement took off in the United States last year in the wake of the sexual abuse allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi. On October 2 Saudi dissident and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. He didn’t come out alive. The United States Leaves the Iran Nuclear Deal due to Donald Trump's hatred towards his predecessor President Obama. President Trump triggers a Trade War and more.“I want tariffs,” Donald Trump told his advisers.


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New England Patriots win Super Bowl 53.  Chicago experienced the most violent weekend of 2019: 52 shot, and 10 killed. Chicago elects Lori Lightfoot its first LGTBQ and African-American woman as Mayor. The U.S. women’s national soccer team inspired our nation by winning the World Cup — and then using their celebrity to campaign for gender equity on the soccer pitch and beyond. In January, a record number of women, 102, took their seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. North Korea-U.S. Nuclear Talks Stall. Donald Trump made history when he became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea for a photo opp. The U.S. House Impeaches President Donald Trump. The Mueller Report did not establish that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign however it did not exonerate the president on obstruction-of-justice charges. Much of the world watched in horror as fire raged at Notre Dame de Paris in France. Wildfires destroyed much of Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir exited the International Space Station, becoming the first to complete an all-female spacewalk.

2020 yearbook


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Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 54.  The 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games are postponed for 1 year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The sale and use of cannabis for recreational goes into effect January 1.  First-day sales in Illinois top $3.2M, first week $11M. COVID-19 is declared a pandemic by the W.H.O. President Trump declares a National Emergency only after being pressured by top scientists and the media. in which all schools are closed, all sporting events and large gatherings are cancelled to stop the spread of the outbreak, which as of the declaration date, has no vaccine or cure, and had 102 Million cases across 110 countries worldwide.  LA Lakers basketball legend Kobe Bryant and his 13 yr. old daughter and 7 others die in a helicopter crash in foggy conditions in the hills above Calabasas, southern California. The United Kingdom formally withdraws from the European Union (Brexit). US Senate votes to acquit President Donald Trump 52-48 on charges of abuse of power and 53-47 on obstruction of Congress. Antarctica records the high temperature of 65 F. Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act in a landmark case that ignited #MeToo movement. US unemployment claims hit 33.3 million or 20% of the workforce, vs two months ago unemployment was 3.5%, a 50-year low. President Trump loses the election by a landslide to former Vice-President Joe Biden. Joe Biden had a record number of 8 million popular votes more than DJT with 306 Electoral College votes to Trump's 232 Electoral College votes. Der Führer Trump kept whining about election fraud, without ever having proof and went out of his way to not have a peaceful transition from one president to another.



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Tampa Bay Buccaneers win Super Bowl 55.  Besides being the first president to get impeached twice, Donald Trump will have a stain on his legacy with arguably longer-lasting consequences: He's the only American leader in a century with more than 400,000 deaths from one event on his watch. After calling the Georgia Governor and the Georgia Sectary of State to overturn the election results around to favor him, (of which they recorded the call and refused to deny the will of the people's vote)… on January 6th, 2021 2 weeks {before the inauguration of President Joe Biden}, President Donald Trump orchestrated and Incited Insurrection to the United States committing Sedition by sending a mob of thugs to the United States Capital to riot, burst in, kill his Vice-President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and mainly any Democrat in office. Resulting in the Death of 6 people including 3 Capital Police, vandalism, theft of government property, sedition, and murder. No elected official was harmed. On January 20th, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th POTUS and the oldest President to take office at the age of 78 and Kamala Harris became First Female, First Black, and First Asian-American to become Vice-President.  The United States rejoined the Paris Climate Accord and WHO (World Health Organization) after the previous administration quit.  Launched in late July 2020, the NASA Rover Perseverance spent months traveling through space, covering some 292.5 million miles before touching down on Mars.  A Minneapolis jury found former police officer Derek Chauvin Guilty of murdering George Floyd a year earlier.  American troops from Afghanistan withdrew after a 20-year war that took the lives of over 2,400 U.S. service personnel.  Juneteenth (June 19th) becomes a Federal Holiday.   A 12-story condominium building in Surfside, Florida, partially collapsed killing 98 people.  The 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games finally took place a year late due to the Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19). It had 11,420 Athletes divided between 206 TEAMS with 339 EVENTS with the United States earning the most at 113 Total Medals Won. (39G-41S-33B).  A New York judge granted the motion to vacate the wrongful convictions of Muhammad A. Aziz and the late Khalil Islam for the 1965 assassination of Black Nationalist and religious leader Malcolm X.



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Los Angeles Rams win Super Bowl 56.  The James Webb Telescope is sent in orbit 1 million miles around Earth to look further at galaxies than can be imagined.  Russia invades its neighboring country Ukraine killing thousands of innocent people and committing Massive War Crimes.  The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Games – did not disappoint. With 2,834 Athletes divided between 91 TEAMS with 109 EVENTS with the Norway earning the most. 37 Total Medals Won. (16G-8S-13B).  Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson is confirmed as the 1st African-American Female to SCOTUS.  A gunman kills 19 students and 2 teachers in Uvalde Texas, while 50+ officers stand outside and refuse to go in to face the shooter using an AR-15.  The SCOTUS overturns Roe vs. Wade after 50 years throwing it back to the states so Republicans can have abortions endangering millions of women.  Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated.  The FBI searched former President Trump’s Mara Largo club and seized over 100 classified documents stolen from the White House when he left office.  Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II dies at age 96 after serving for 75 years.  Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 Billion.  In hopes of a Republican Red Tsunami, The U.S. House is overturned by Republicans by only 5 members and the Democrats didn't lose a single elected senator which hasn't happened within 100 years. The U.S. Senate remains in control by the Democrats resulting in a Pink Splat for the Republicans.



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Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 57.  The beginning of the year starts with the House picking a new Speaker of the House. The Republicans went through 15 rounds of voting for a new speaker which hasn’t happened in the last 100 years. Kevin McCarthy becomes the new Speaker of the HousePrince Harry was airing his family laundry on CNN ahead of the release of his memoir.  A 6-year-old student in Virginia shot his teacher with his mom's gun.  The Walt Disney Company celebrates 100 years. APRIL - Former Disgraced Twice Impeached President Donald J. Trump is now the 1st former president to be indicted in U.S. history on State charges. The indictment brought by The NY DA has 34 counts against him. May - A Manhattan jury (Civil Case) found former President Donald J. Trump Liable for Sexual Rape and Defamation against E. Jean Carroll and awarded her $5 million in damages. More than a dozen women have accused Mr. Trump of sexual misconduct over the years, but this is the only allegation to be affirmed by a jury. JUNE - Former Disgraced Twice Impeached President Donald J. Trump is now indicted on Federal charges with at least 40 counts including espionage, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. The indictment was brought by the Federal Department of Justice Special Council Jack Smith. OctoberSpeaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his role as speaker by 8 members of his party leaving the Republicans to scramble to find a new speaker. Hamas, officially the Islamic Resistance Movement, had launched a surprise attack, claiming to have fired more than 5,000 rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip within 20 minutes and attacked, killed, kidnapped, and beheaded innocent Israeli citizens.  2 separate GOP candidates were nominated for the house speaker, both failed to get the votes and withdrew. Finally, after 3+ weeks, the House Republicans elected a new speaker all the while No Government Bills or business could be done without a speaker. The new Speaker of the House is Mike Johnson of Louisiana. On that very same night... a mass shooter kills 18 people and injures 13 in Lewiston Maine. 



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January - Former Disgraced Twice Impeached President Donald J. Trump wins the Iowa Caucus & New Hampshire primary despite his 91 Federal counts with 4 Indictments against him. A 2nd New York Manhattan jury (Civil Case) found the former President GUILTY and ordered him to pay a total of $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll for ruining her credibility as an advice columnist when he called her a liar after she accused him of sexual rape… and yet the Republican GOP continues to support him out of fear. 3 Senn High School teens were shot and targeted as they left school for the day and one of the teens ‘Daveon Gibson’ died from his injuries just down the street from the school. FebruaryKansa City Chiefs win Super Bowl 58. Former President Donald J. Trump was found guilty of Fraud and Tax evasion in the state of NY and ordered to pay $355 million adding up to $450 million after interest is also added. He is also barred from doing business in the state of NY for 3 years. May – Former President Donald J Trump was found Guilty and Convicted on all 34 Federal Counts related to a $130,000 payment made to Adult Film actress Stormy Daniels for Falsifying Business Records to Influence the 2016 Presidential Campaign.  JunePresident Joe Biden & Former President Donald J. Trump face off in America’s earliest first presidential debate. Pres. Biden had failed & lost the debate due to possible old age symptoms while Former Pres. Donald J. Trump had been #FactChecked to have told over 25 lies.  July – The SCOTUS rules that Presidents have Immunity to prosecution of prosecution if they acted within the office of the POTUS. 1-week before the RNC, Former President Donald J. Trump survived an assignation attempt on his life, however, one of his supporters was killed. After overwhelming pressure within the Democrat Party President Joe Biden drops out of the presidential run just 1-month before the DNC and endorses VP Kamala Harris for POTUS.  The 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games. The United States had the most athletes in these games. August – The 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games ends after 2-weeks with The United States tying China in Gold medals but winning overall 126 medals beating its closest competitor China at 91 medals. VP Kamala Harris campaign for POTUS picks Minnesota Governor Tim Welz as her running mate and their campaign takes off massively huge with overwhelming support.  September – A second assignation attempt on Former President Donald J. Trump was stopped before any shots were fired at his Mar a Logo golf course. Vice-President Kamala Harris & Former President Donald J. Trump face off in a presidential debate meeting for the first time. VP Harris wins the debate and the support of mega stars across the nation. The Chicago White Sox are playing so badly that they broke the record for most lost games and their stadium has an attendance under 15 selling tickets at $2.  October – The L.A. Dodgers beat the New York Yankees in the World Series.  NovemberA 3rd assignation attempt on Trump was prevented by the FBI. The latest attempt came directly from Iran in retaliation for the killing of their former leader. Twice Impeached and Convicted Criminal Disgraced Former President Donald J. Trump won election against Vice-President Kamala Harris. Trump won both the Electoral College and the popular vote.  December39th President Jimmy Carter dies at the age of 100 years old on December 29th. President Biden orders all U.S. flags to be at half-staff for 30 days. 



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JanuaryThe city of Los Angeles had massive fires where over 10,000 structures were demolished in ruins and over 250,000 people had to evacuate their homes for good. At least 5 people have died from the fires. 39th President Jimmy Carter (100) years old was laid to rest in Plains Georgia where he grew up and resided. NYC judge sentenced Donald J. Trump to guilty but will not serve time due to his reelection. Surrounded by an oligarchy of wealth inside the US Capital, the Convicted Felon, Twice Impeached, President Donald J. Trump is sworn into office. Within his first week, he goes on a retribution of tactics to hurt anyone who had stood up to him. President Donald J. Trump gave a Full Pardon to all January 6th Insurrectionists who stormed the Capital 4 years earlier, releasing many dangerous people to the public.  FebruaryThe Philadelphia Eagles won Super Bowl 59.  




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