Can you please help a Senn Alumna in need?

Good afternoon Senn Bulldogs and Happy Sunday to you all.
Can you please help a Senn Alumna in need?
Margaret Johnson class of 1985
Margaret Johnson of the class 1985 is sick and needs your
Help to Beat Leukemia. Her friend has set up a GoFundMe page and below are the details.
Bless you, all that can.
~Sincerely your Alumni Coordinator~
My name is Carmen C and I am a longtime friend of Margaret Johnson for over 20+ years.   Margaret is an amazing Mother, wife and true friend.   Margaret has gone out of her way many times for her friends and family.  She is involved with her community and is an active supporter of Autistic causes.  Recently, Margaret was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).  We are all devastated and heartbroken at this diagnosis, but we also know the financial hardship ahead of her.  Therefore, we have set up this page to help her with her financial destitution.  Margaret is a mother of 5 and head of household, she still has 3 kids still living at home which are ages 19, 15, 14.  Two of her sons, Gianni, and Julius who both have autism.   She has dedicated her life to her children and especially her boys who are active in Special Olympics.  Autistic Swimmer Gianni Honored by YMCA
In June of this year, Margaret started to feel extremely ill. The initial diagnosis was an ear ache but turned into a horrible ear infection.  This lasted almost a month and soon came pains in her left knee where she previously had 5 knee surgeries from an old College basketball injury.  Suddenly, it escalated into a serious situation.  The doctors determined she would need to have knee replacement surgery, she was unable to get out of bed some days and unable to go to work.  Due to her illness and physical inabilities, she was recently let go from her current job of 8 years.  
On Sept 27, 2018, she went to her pre-operative appointment for her knee replacement surgery.  The hospital performed the required blood tests and it was noted that she had a very low hemoglobin count. The hospital immediately took her from outpatient to the emergency room where she had to receive 3 blood transfusions and was admitted to the hospital.  The doctors were amazed at how she was able to sit up, was not short of breath and was not feeling worse.
The next few days the hospital continued to run several tests to determine why her blood count was so low.   The final diagnosis was AML – Acute Myeloid Leukemia – Cancer of the blood.  We all know that Margaret is a fighter, but this is a devastating life challenge and will be an uphill battle for her and her family.   Margaret has been in the hospital for over 29 days and has had her 1st round of Chemotherapy in October.   Cancer is a life-threatening disease and she will need to continue treatment for many years to come.
In addition to her serious condition, she was recently turned down from unemployment based on her status in the hospital.  Unfortunately, she does not know when she will be able to go back to work.  We are all concerned for Margaret and her health is our main priority.  The decision was made for her to file for disability but that can take months with no guarantee for assistance. 
We are optimistic that Margaret will recover and beat cancer!  Margaret is a fighter and she has plenty of love and support.  So, we are asking if you can please donate to help with future medical costs.  Her family will appreciate any help that you can provide.  Please help and share her story to anyone that might be able to aid this amazing woman!
Thank You
To help Margaret please click this link below.